Thursday, November 12, 2009
106 Days to Go!!!
Today it hit me I have 106 days until Aza gets here (according to the doctor). One more week and we are in the double digits. 99...98...97...96... then it will feel like a count down.
Here are just a few Pics that I wanted to share with you guys.
We are planning a trip home. I am getting soooo excited. I havent seen my family in several months. Once I get back I will post pictures of our trip!!!!
Here are just a few Pics that I wanted to share with you guys.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Well I just got a very hard God question. Tornado's why does God allow them to happen.
Then that led to "does God have a cell phone ?" Does he have furniture.
Lilly then asked me where do babies come from? How do they get in you belly and how do you get them out?
So my answers were as follows....
On tornado's... God allows things to happen even though they arent pleasant. so she then asked why does He want people to get hurt. To which I promptly answered... He doesnt want people to get hurt but things do just happen.
Cell phones.... I told her that no he doesnt have a cell phone. He doesnt need one he can hear you when you talk to him and he can hear you all the time.
Furniture... A simple yes was enough lol.
Babies... whoa that I expected since I am pregnant. But that is a hard one. so I started with when mommy's and daddys love each other a baby starts to grow in mommys belly. She looked sick and said "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET IT OUT?" I said hmmmm the belly button..... She was ok with that. Then she just said. hmmm that is weird.
Whoa it was an interesting supper and dessert...
Then that led to "does God have a cell phone ?" Does he have furniture.
Lilly then asked me where do babies come from? How do they get in you belly and how do you get them out?
So my answers were as follows....
On tornado's... God allows things to happen even though they arent pleasant. so she then asked why does He want people to get hurt. To which I promptly answered... He doesnt want people to get hurt but things do just happen.
Cell phones.... I told her that no he doesnt have a cell phone. He doesnt need one he can hear you when you talk to him and he can hear you all the time.
Furniture... A simple yes was enough lol.
Babies... whoa that I expected since I am pregnant. But that is a hard one. so I started with when mommy's and daddys love each other a baby starts to grow in mommys belly. She looked sick and said "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET IT OUT?" I said hmmmm the belly button..... She was ok with that. Then she just said. hmmm that is weird.
Whoa it was an interesting supper and dessert...
Sympathy cravings from a 6 year old!!!!!
Well we are sitting here at Sonic in Knoxville, TN. We ate at the best mexican restaurant, Panchos. And we topped it off with ice cream. Lilly's idea I swear!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Weekend
We had the best weekend. The kids and I got up really early Saturday morning. We went to the Smoky Mountain Homecoming at the Robert A Tino art gallery.
Here the kids were petting the goats. They were so cute in their hats. They got a chance to feed them. Kendall was a little grossed out by the goats licking her.But she got over it quick. Lilly thought it was sweet, she wanted to take one home.
Kendall saw this huge turtle. She thought it was the coolest thing, although she would not touch it.
Then there was the llama!!! I turned around and there it was... In my face.
There was a section of the festivities that was open to play if you got something painted. Kendall chose a heart on her arm. She showed everyone. It was adorable.
Lilly decided to have her name "tattooed" on her face.
She even let Kendall pick out the colors for her design.
This part of the play area had an old fashioned wooden stove. There were plastic fruits and sawdust. They backed me a pie and had fruit salad.
Hula hooping!!!!!!
And the really sad part...
I had to explain to Kendall and Lilly what these sacks were for. Kendall Loved it and Lilly thought the sack was STINKY... I had to agree.
This was so much fun to watch... Both of them tried so hard to keep
both sides of the board up and balance on the wooden tube!!!
Lilly really wasn't made in Mexico!!!!!
Since when did the seesaw make it to the antique list????
I remember this toy. They loved this too!!!!
.Blocks!!!! They are so smart they figured these out with out my help!
Farmer Brown and Family!!!!
Heading off to the Market!!!
Isn'T he handsome?
We finished the afternoon with a trip to the park...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Daddy's first touch!!!
Ok. Last night was awesome. Well the kids and I went to church last night and got home late.
I was laying down to go to bed and Aza was rolling around and Kevin got a chace to feel her.
He was mashing on me and grinning. I would go so far as to say he giggled. It was so sweet.
So on October 7 2009 Kevin got a chance to feel his baby girl. We are so happy.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hey guys!!!
Now blogging mobile from my blackberry!!!
High tech, and behind the times.
Many of you may know but for those that do not... We are having a little girl. There will be a ton of estrogen in our house in the coming years. Poor Kevin. I would love some feedback on the name Aza Faith Wiggins. It means comfort in faith.
Ta ta for now!!!
Now blogging mobile from my blackberry!!!
High tech, and behind the times.
Many of you may know but for those that do not... We are having a little girl. There will be a ton of estrogen in our house in the coming years. Poor Kevin. I would love some feedback on the name Aza Faith Wiggins. It means comfort in faith.
Ta ta for now!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
This is really only a test post to see if the followers will get an update. But while you are here feed the fish....
They are at the very bottom....
Love you guys!!!!
More to come on Thursday.. We will be sporting all pink or all blue!!!!
They are at the very bottom....
Love you guys!!!!
More to come on Thursday.. We will be sporting all pink or all blue!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Random Thoughts Tonight
Well... I haven't posted in some time and really just felt like sharing a few things to with anyone that happens to read this post. For anyone that knows me they know sometimes that I am totally random... So here goes...
Today is September 25 2009. I am 18 weeks pregnant. There has been some confusion about that over the last month. At the beginning of Sept we were sent by the nurse practitioner at our doctors office to get "the big ultrasound" She said that I should have been 18 weeks then. I knew better. Well i was right... At the last doctors apt he confirmed that they had a mix up and sent me to soon. SOOOO on Thursday October 1 2009 we have and apt to actually find out if junior is a boy or a little girl...
So that is really where all of this starts. Since we have found out that we were pregnant Kevin and I have batted a few names around... Like for a boy Kaden Thomas Wiggins. So OK we are pretty settled on that as the name if this precious baby happens to be a boy. In the event that we are adding more estrogen to the household we are in a bit of a pickle. The names he likes... for instance... Kathryn, I don't care for it AT ALL...
I really love the name Aza _____Wiggins (not sure of a middle name yet) But her name means comfort or to be comforted. I just LOVE the name... soo... He suggested Ava which is pretty but not Aza... So like I said in a bit of a pickle. We have heard some very promising suggestions like CHARLOTTE GRACE WIGGINS. I like it but again it isn't Aza. Maybe Aza Grace what do you think?
On to the next thought....
Our family has been attending a new church over the last 6 or 7 months. The Gathering is the name and we love it. The church is pretty big but it is a family. You can feel it when you walk through the doors. It is definitely and interesting service. For anyone that stumbles upon this blog from Sevier County please attend. Google The Gathering in Sevierville or better yet just come Sunday morning. There are 2 services 9:30 and 11:30 am. We are in the midst of a new series on MIRACLES. Don't let that word scare you. God still performs them. Maybe in the next post I will share with you a very big one that has happened to my family. But be prepared with Kleenex. Still makes me cry to think about what God has done for our family. How He shows up all the time. Anyway.... Just come visit. God is at every service. You can feel HIM!!!!!
Thought #3....
I have really always wanted to visit Utah... Don't know why just really think the place would be interesting. I love to travel and see new places. One of my favorites was Boston, Mass. That was a cool place full of history. My Aunt Nancy used to take me places... Lots of places and that one sticks out in my mind...
One more thing... I will have to post pictures soon but I must tell you... For Kendall's birthday my Mama bought her a drum set. A real drum set. That is what Kendall told her that is what she wanted. Mama got it for her and got her the instructional DVD. Kendall loves her drums and practices all the time. It is so precious to see. Someone recently asked her if she could play the drums and she promptly corrected them and said "no i do not PLAY the drums I PRACTICE they are not a toy." Set him straight.
OK I really could go on and on tonight... BUT if you have made it this far int he blog in the first place here is a bit of good news... My cat is purring loudly in my ear making my sleepy and I haven't eaten anything in a few hours and i am hungry so i will bid you a fond farewell until next time. You guys have a very blessed evening and may God be with you!!!!
ONE more thing go to and search for Kendall singing Glamorous by Fergie.
Amanda Clarice Wiggins
Today is September 25 2009. I am 18 weeks pregnant. There has been some confusion about that over the last month. At the beginning of Sept we were sent by the nurse practitioner at our doctors office to get "the big ultrasound" She said that I should have been 18 weeks then. I knew better. Well i was right... At the last doctors apt he confirmed that they had a mix up and sent me to soon. SOOOO on Thursday October 1 2009 we have and apt to actually find out if junior is a boy or a little girl...
So that is really where all of this starts. Since we have found out that we were pregnant Kevin and I have batted a few names around... Like for a boy Kaden Thomas Wiggins. So OK we are pretty settled on that as the name if this precious baby happens to be a boy. In the event that we are adding more estrogen to the household we are in a bit of a pickle. The names he likes... for instance... Kathryn, I don't care for it AT ALL...
I really love the name Aza _____Wiggins (not sure of a middle name yet) But her name means comfort or to be comforted. I just LOVE the name... soo... He suggested Ava which is pretty but not Aza... So like I said in a bit of a pickle. We have heard some very promising suggestions like CHARLOTTE GRACE WIGGINS. I like it but again it isn't Aza. Maybe Aza Grace what do you think?
On to the next thought....
Our family has been attending a new church over the last 6 or 7 months. The Gathering is the name and we love it. The church is pretty big but it is a family. You can feel it when you walk through the doors. It is definitely and interesting service. For anyone that stumbles upon this blog from Sevier County please attend. Google The Gathering in Sevierville or better yet just come Sunday morning. There are 2 services 9:30 and 11:30 am. We are in the midst of a new series on MIRACLES. Don't let that word scare you. God still performs them. Maybe in the next post I will share with you a very big one that has happened to my family. But be prepared with Kleenex. Still makes me cry to think about what God has done for our family. How He shows up all the time. Anyway.... Just come visit. God is at every service. You can feel HIM!!!!!
Thought #3....
I have really always wanted to visit Utah... Don't know why just really think the place would be interesting. I love to travel and see new places. One of my favorites was Boston, Mass. That was a cool place full of history. My Aunt Nancy used to take me places... Lots of places and that one sticks out in my mind...
One more thing... I will have to post pictures soon but I must tell you... For Kendall's birthday my Mama bought her a drum set. A real drum set. That is what Kendall told her that is what she wanted. Mama got it for her and got her the instructional DVD. Kendall loves her drums and practices all the time. It is so precious to see. Someone recently asked her if she could play the drums and she promptly corrected them and said "no i do not PLAY the drums I PRACTICE they are not a toy." Set him straight.
OK I really could go on and on tonight... BUT if you have made it this far int he blog in the first place here is a bit of good news... My cat is purring loudly in my ear making my sleepy and I haven't eaten anything in a few hours and i am hungry so i will bid you a fond farewell until next time. You guys have a very blessed evening and may God be with you!!!!
ONE more thing go to and search for Kendall singing Glamorous by Fergie.
Amanda Clarice Wiggins
baby names,
random thoughts,
Sevier County,
The Gathering
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Well according to the doctor we should be able to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl on Sept 3. I am afraid that it is going to be to early to find out. We shall see. The last time I went to the doctor she said that i was 2 weeks further along than I thought i was but she did not change my due date at all so... Who knows....
Friday, August 14, 2009
Aunt Clarice comes to visit
Date Night
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