Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Introducing Aza Faith Wiggins

The Morning of February 22, 2010.
Not at all my most flattering picture, but an accurate one none the less.
At 27 Mama is still taking care of me!

This was taken at 10:27 am. Labor had just  "started" The were about to give me drugs!!!

Those pictures have been left out intentionally. Apparently it was quite a show... LOL!!!
Aza was born at 2:15pm  This was taken just after that. I was so tired and so happy!!!  Proud Daddy.  I love him so much!!!!

Here She is... Aza Faith Wiggins
9 pounds and 2 Ounces
21 inches long

Proud Daddy!!!!

Februrary 23, 2010
Aza was already trying to look around.  She will be a strong one.
 My ribs could tell you so and now you can see it for yourself.

FINALLY MAKEUP and a SHOWER!!!! Ladies don't take these things for granted. I won't ever again!

My room. It was so nice and it was HUGE!

My first car trip!
I was 27 hours old!
My tongue!
Look at those lips.

February 26, 2010

Feb 27, 2010

Feb 28, 2010

By March 2 we are all tired.  Look at Aza holding on to Kevin's collar.

Other than the This is one of my favorite pictures. Those Cheeks!!!

All of my girls March 4 2010
March 8, 2010
And by March 8 she is already diggin the sunshine. (before anyone freaks she was out there with us for 5 minutes taking advantage of the sunshine... Doctors orders for her Jaundice)

Girls Rule!

She shoots she scores!!!! This picture was actually taken in November of 2009... To cute not to share!!!

Kendall Knows She Is The Bomb!!!!
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Aza Video

I hope this does right. Just Aza making faces and a little sneeze. There is no sound but at least you can see her.

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