Well guys I am new to this completely... And hopefully will get better with time. I wanted to document this pregnancy for myself and my family back home. That will be the hardest part of this. My mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins... All 500 miles away. With this i hope to bring everyone close together to be a part of our happiness.
I hope that my excitement and enthusiasm comes across. In the near future I will get Lilly and Kendall involved, maybe even Daddy too. He is so excited... Only 29 weeks to go...
Our Doctor's name is Dr. Love... Seriously... What a fitting name for on OB-GYN.. lol I haven't met him yet as we have been seen by the nurse practitioner... Love her very much!!!! Our next appointment is on August 13, 2009 at 9:15 am.
At our first appointment we got to see the baby. He/she was just a speck in the grand scheme of things, I guess but the heart beat was there. Kevin made sure to ask Nancy (the NP) if there was just one... She looked (much to my chagrin you ladies know "the wand" lol) But alas there was only one... But she was very quick to say BUT its still early... And then laughed. So... We shall see.
I haven't gained much weight really only a couple pounds but buttoning my pants is getting tough. Maybe that is a good sign.. Just carry the weight out front (and chest of course I swear half the weight is there)
I tell you what being a "Homemaker" is a tough job. But I love spending time with my babies. I love being the one raising my children.
Well... I will try to make this a regular moment of reflection and will apologize in advance for any rambling or musings that might go on here...